For Us Prayerfully

Scripture Reading - Romans 8:26 KJV

Likewise the Spirit also helpeth our infirmities: for we know not what we should pray for as we ought: but the Spirit itself maketh intercession for us with groanings which cannot be uttered.

In a previous lesson we covered how God is “For Us” in so many ways including salvation, healing, wisdom, peace, prosperity and etc… We also taught briefly on God being “For Us” in our specific “profession” and “confession”. Which means the Lord helps us in our job (career, occupation, profession). God also watches over our words to bring His help into our situations by our confession of faith. We also discussed God being “For Us” concerning our family and/or our household. This basically means it is the Lord’s Will to save all those you live with. Today we will mention God being “For Us” in our prayers, which is another way of saying that God is always ready to help us communicate better with Him. When it comes to the topic of “prayer” there are multiple things to teach concerning what type of prayer we are discussing. However, in this lesson we will mention three basic principles we must follow concerning all “prayers”. First, we must pray God’s Word to engage God in any meaningful conversation. The Good Shepherd gave us His Holy Written Word for a good reason. It was specifically given unto man to help men understand God and to show mankind how much God loves them. Yes, the Word of God is God’s voice speaking directly to us and it is our way of knowing exactly what God is expecting of us and from us. Yes, talking to God when you know what He likes to hear is made easy when you use the Holy Bible as a foundation. Secondly, we must pray with a sincere heart. This basically means having a humble heart that truly is trusting in God for an answer. The sincere open heart is ready to hear whatever the Lord is saying to him/her and they are thankful when they do hear back from God. Yes, the Word of God is very clear on what God’s Will is for every person in general but the specifics for each person should be sought out by each of God’s Children (all Christians). This is why we must be sincere and ready to not only hear what the Lord has to say to us but more importantly we must be willing to obey whatever the Lord ask of us with a grateful heart. Remember, the Lord will not ask you to do anything that is against His Will so rest assured that whatever He asks of you will be beneficial to yourself and many others when you have completed your task (assignment, mission, calling, etc…). Thirdly, since the Gracious Lord knew this is not always easy because we do face opposition He placed within our midst the Greater One known as the Holy Spirit of God. This is awesome because the Holy Spirit of God will help us in all our “prayers”. Yes, God the Holy Spirit Himself will basically speak the right words to God the Father and our Lord Jesus Christ when we yield our heart, attitude and tongue to His utterance. I know that not everyone who may be reading this is filled with the Holy Spirit to the overflow with the outward evidence of speaking in tongues but we encourage all believers in Christ to utilize this great (powerful) and awesome (beyond natural expression) Gift of God. We (ihlcc) can think of many occasions where the help of the Holy Spirit tremendously aided us in seeking and finding God’s Will. Yes, sometimes we know God’s Will according to His Word but we need the strength to last through the complete battle in the face of opposition. Yes, “praying” in the Holy Ghost does many things like giving us spiritual strength and revelation to clear our thoughts when needed. We will not stop there because “praying” in the Holy Ghost also gives us peace of mind and calming of soul during times of refreshing in the Lord. What better way is there to commune with God then when you are allowing the Holy Spirit of God to speak through your spirit to the Creator of the Universe, our Awesome Father God. If you are in need of more power and/or hungry for more of God we firmly recommend being filled with God’s Holy Spirit with the outward evidence of speaking in tongues. We (ihlcc) do have more information about being filled with the Holy Spirit in the link listed “Baptism Of The Holy Spirit“. With that being said know that our Lord Jesus Christ and our Heavenly Father are both “For Us” concerning our “prayers”. They both (The Father and the Son) delight in the righteous “prayers” of God’s Word when we pray the promises of God as truly being done in our life. The sincere heart felt “prayers” of the saints always have a special place in God’s Heart. He will answer your “prayers” according to His Holy Word written in the context of the Holy Bible. Remember too, that God knew we needed help so He gave us the Comforter to help us in “prayer” whenever we need it (which is typically all the time). So make “prayer” a part of your daily practice so that God’s Will can be clearly understood in your life. Remember, as long as you include these three principles – God’s Word, a sincere honest heart and the Holy Helper who establishes a prayer language especially for you and God you cannot fail because we all know God cannot ever fail. You are in Christ because you are a child of God that was created to fellowship with God Almighty. Know that “prayer” is that divide avenue to reach out to God while God reaches into you and your life (situations, circumstances, etc…) because God is “For Us” just as much as He is for Jesus Christ His very own Beloved Son. Amen!